Reframing competitive employee experience


It’s time to reframe the employee experience

Employee experience was already a trending topic before the pandemic.

然而, 大流行促使人们重新思考他们的优先事项,并使组织和人们更加紧密地联系在一起. The three over-arching aspects of employee experience — employee expectations, 员工职业生涯中的环境和时刻并没有改变, but the pandemic brought new questions into focus:

  • How to make flex 工作ing 工作
  • 如何在一个分散的或虚拟的工作场所雇佣、安置和管理/指导员工
  • How to 工作, collaborate and communicate in distributed or virtual net工作s
  • 如何从提供福利政策转变为积极与员工在健康和福利方面合作
  • 如何创造一个无摩擦的数字工作环境,以确保新技术支持而不是阻碍工作,并确保人们喜欢与技术互动
Managing the employee experience just got more nuanced. 在一个日益以员工为中心的市场和一个提供高度个性化体验的世界, 越来越多的人想要定制自己的工作,并制定适合自己的时间表.

People no longer want to 工作 for a company; they want to 工作 with them. 这表明迫切需要通过差异化的员工体验来吸引和留住顶尖人才——85%的公司正在与员工共同创造员工体验(GTT 2022)。.


  • 性别
  • 一代
  • 工作水平
  • 照料家庭地位

And their needs and experience are not constant; shifting as different parts of an employee’s life change — 工作, 个人, 金融, and health and well-being. 考虑到整个人并动态调整员工的需求需要一种战略性而微妙的方法. 它还需要在适当的时候,持续不断地获得可操作的见解. 这只是建设一支更强大的劳动力队伍和以人为本的企业的一个关键方面, technology-enabled, consumer-grade employee experience.

The employee experience rests between environmental factors such as culture, people and leaders, programmes and processes, 工作, and technology AND events such as life events, 职业活动, and organisation events.

How can you create a 个人ised employee experience that people crave?

High-performing employees want their employee experience to be:

  • 丰富
  • 非常高效。
  • 拥抱
  • 善解人意

But a one-size-fits-all approach won’t 工作. Having a robust strategy and governance frame工作, employee listening and data insights, capabilities and communications, 而支持个性化员工体验的数字化工具将是关键. Doing this can create a competitive advantage. 我们的研究表明,敏捷公司说他们在创造方面取得了巨大进展的可能性是其他人的两倍, and continue to experiment with, 积极的员工体验(《vns85978威尼斯城官网》)——与员工价值主张和数字化转型目标相一致.

美世 can help you create a 个人ised, technology-enabled and consumer-grade employee experience with:

  • Employee listening
  • Employee value proposition strategy 
  • 总奖励评估和设计(包括奖励、福利和健康)
  • Employee communications
  • 灵活的工作 strategies
  • Design-thinking 工作shops
  • Technology implementation
  • Persona and journey mapping
  • Organisational culture assessments

在打造引人注目的个性化员工体验方面,你们已经走了多远? 美世可以通过以下方式帮助您了解员工需求并推动积极的业务成果:

我们与您合作,建立令人信服的员工价值主张和战略员工倾听计划,结合深厚的知识, expertise and effective methodologies with data and agile technology.

More than just data, 仪表板和报告-我们提供综合分析和行动见解,并使其与您的人员战略保持一致.

Our dynamic design-thinking strategies empower leaders, managers and human resources (HR) to drive positive change.


Why use 美世’s employee experience solutions?

Our experts have the tools, 深厚的知识和经验,以发展您的员工体验战略和支持敬业度, employee value proposition, total 奖励 and communications programmes. 将美世的深入研究与员工敬业度和沟通科学的最新见解相结合, 我们的专家帮助制定和实施战略计划和路线图,以增强员工体验并提高绩效.

我们提供涵盖员工体验各个方面的咨询能力和技术. 我们的业务覆盖全球130个国家,使用80种语言,拥有广泛的本地顾问网络.

  • Employee experience design

  • Employee listening

    We capture people insights with tailored solutions, from our annual census and pulse surveys to continuous listening, digital focus groups and preference research.
  • Employee communication

    美世的员工沟通解决方案帮助企业与员工就其职业生涯建立有意义的联系, benefits and well-being — wherever they are, 在任何设备上.
  • Employee value proposition

  • 灵活的工作

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion solution

    美世 partners with clients to grapple with issues of fairness, from fair pay to the way talent is managed. 
  • 人才战略

    美世的人才战略解决方案可帮助企业做出一流的决策来吸引人才, 保留, 培养人才. 
人们价值观的根本变化正支撑着劳动力市场的结构性转变. 各组织现在有一个极好的机会,可以利用在大流行期间磨练出来的同理心工具,开辟一种更有关联和更有效的新伙伴关系方式, 最终, 更可持续的.

Global Leader of Advisory 解决方案 & 美世的见解,

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